If you want to purchase any Digital PDFs, they can be found at https://thedungeoncoach.com/collections/all/dc20 (on July 5th)
Shipping costs have not added to your accounts yet (not for backers or for late pledges).
We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter the shipping cost for the bundle of physical items you ordered.
Make sure to fill out your survey so we can ensure that shipping prices are accurate and fair.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
DC20 - Beta 0.9 + Foundry VTT + More
10 days ago
– Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 01:45:52 PM
DC20 0.9 PDF is HERE!
This update will walk you through how to get the THREE big updates that come out today! - DC20 0.9 PDF - DC20 Foundry Module Access - DC20 Early Access Digital Character Creation Tool
I have made a YouTube video going over ALL of this information. I show how it all works on the screen and talk about everything here as well
YouTube Video Link:
How to get the 0.9 PDF NOW
Kickstarter Backers: You should already have an email from DriveThruRPG right now (check all inboxes). If you do not have an email you can reach out to "[email protected]" and we will verify that you were a Backer and get you taken care of.
You might not have received an email, but it could still be in your Library
Purchased on Website: You should also already have an email from Shopify right now (check all inboxes). If you do not have an email you can reach out to "[email protected]" and we will verify that you were a Backer and get you taken care of.
Anyone who has the DC20 Core Rules (either Kickstarter or Website purchase) will get all updates to DC20 Core Rules for FREE until the games FINAL release!
0.9 Changelog
This was something that was missing from 0.9 and I will be sending out an updated PDF soon, but until then I wanted to give everyone the FULL Changelog here. The main focus was Subclasses, but there were some big CLASS changes and some other small tweaks too
Kickstarter Backers: You should already have an email from Backerkit right now (check all inboxes). This can also be accessed through your Digital Downloads section on Backerkit as well. Please watch the YouTube Video above and I walk through exactly where to go to get it.
Make sure you have filled out your survey as well. If you have not yet you can request the survey again.
Not Yet Purchased: If you did NOT back the Kickstarter at the Digital Only ($95) tier or higher, then you can pick it up for an individual purchase here: https://baileywiki.itch.io/dc20-core-rules
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Foundry, so you still do have to make a one time purchase of $50 to gain access to Foundry itself, then you can get the Key for DC20.
Once you have the Key to unlock DC20 on Foundry, Bailey also made a custom video to walkthrough exactly what to do to get it activated here:
Early Access DC20 Digital Character Creation Tool
It is finally ready to let people see and play around with! This is a passion project and a TEST RUN to see if us making our own personal Character Creation tool is something that we should invest time and energy into. This has been a big volunteer effort by a bunch of people coming together to make this happen. Big props to Crunch and Nik who led the development of this into something that is now usable. It is a 0.8 Character Creator but will continue to get updates as long as we see this as something that is viable to keep developing.
How to get Access
This was an Early Backer reward and as such is ONLY available for Early Backers who backed in the first 72 hours. The easiest way to know if you were an Early Backer is to check your Backer Number for DC20, if it is 9543 or lower, then you ARE an Early Backer.
If you do not know if you are an Early Backer or not, then go to your Digital Downloads as well (shown in the video above) and you should have an download there as well that links to the Notion Page.
This Notion Page HERE has ALL the information you will ever need on this App and its development into the future. You can access all links in that notion page to log in and confirm you are an Early Backer.
If you have any questions or feedback about the app, please direct them all to THIS DC20 APP Discord. Nik will take care of everything and he has done an amazing job organizing this to even make this possible.
DC20 Future Updates
Now that we have updated the PDF on the back end AND established a full team with development and publishing systems, we will be able to streamline the Update process to not have as much time between updates. 0.9's biggest issue was the 52 Subclasses that were made 100% from scratch, the only design hurdle that is anywhere near that large will be creating all the spells for DC20 (mainly in 0.10 update). Here is some info on future updates:
DC20 0.9.5: HUGE rules and mechanics update that has a TON of amazing changes that were being worked on during 0.9... but we just didn't want to delay 0.9 any further. This update should be released around May/June (2 months from now)
DC20 0.10: Spells Spells Spells... and Techniques! This will be a BIG one, so I estimate that it will take about 5 months or so to complete. I will have a better estimate for you in about 2 months once we finish the design templates / framework for Spells in general. The spellcasting system will be VERY balanced across the board and we will also be releasing new Techniques along side this huge spellcasting update.
DC20 0.11 +: There will be other updates that release class features, ancestries, subclass features for the higher levels of the game, prestige updates, GM rules, other PDF's, Adventures, Monsters, etc etc. All of those will REALLY be able to be ramped up and released once the Spells are done
Final Version of DC20: This is hard to put a time estimate on, but I would definitly say we are into mid / late 2026 on the release of the HARDCOVER book. The PDF will of course be far closer to finished before then and I want yall to be able to play it and give feedback before I press the PRINT button! But honestly I want this game to be the BEST that it can possibly be, I will NOT rush this out just to be able to release another KS and try and crank out book after book just to "jack up sales". DC20 is my baby and I want to make sure it is 100% ready before I call it done. I will of course keep everyone updated along the way.
Thank you all again for being with me on this journey!
DC20 - March 25 Update: 0.9 Release Date
22 days ago
– Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 02:42:34 PM
0.9 Release Date
Its official! DC20 Beta 0.9 Core Rules will be released on March 17th at 11:00am CST
How to get the 0.9 Beta (on March 17th)
I’ll be sending out the updated PDF through DriveThruRPG. This should happen automatically, as soon as I hit the send button. If you have already received the 0.8 Core Rules, then you will be 100% fine. If you have not gotten the 0.8 Core Rules PDF yet, please reach out to "[email protected]" and we will verify that you were a Backer and get you taken care of.
I wanted to take a second to explain the BIG 2 reasons why 0.9 took MUCH longer than originally anticipated. 1. We added Paragon Subclasses. Once we laid out the 26 Subclasses for 0.9... we realized that a more "classic" fantasy of each class was not an option since we went in such fun and creative directions with the subclasses. So it was clear to me that we HAD TO ass Paragon Subclasses to ALL Classes, and give TWO options for each... which added another 26 Subclasses onto the already 26 we made. This DOUBLED the work that went into it, but I think we are in a GREAT spot now for yall. 2. We had to START OVER on the format and digital format of the PDF. We did not simply just update the 0.8 PDF into the 0.9 PDF, we started from scratch. This was something that we wanted to do sooner rather than later, so that we can "future proof" the PDF. 0.8 was stitched together and a MESS on the back end, but NOW we have a truly professional system going forward and it will be MUCH easier to update and make changes to.
Overall I also wanted to say that DC20 will NOT be rushed out the door so that I can get onto the next DC20 Kickstarter and the next and the next... I want to pour EVERYTHING I can into this one and dedicate 100% focus to it. It will be ready when it is 100% ready and I dont want to rush its development... which would just result in a worse/ less fun/ more broken game. Thank you to so many of you who have been understanding on this and trust me... just wait till you see these Subclasses and see what 0.9.5 has in store! O... speaking of the next update...
DC20 Beta 0.9.5 Update
We have plans to release another update in the near future for some quality of life improvements that we wanted to lay the ground work for before we took on the BIG undertaking of SPELLS (which is the 0.10 update). We did not want to delay 0.9 any further, so about 3-4 Months after 0.9 releases, expect to see 0.9.5.
Missing Survey Count: 1301
If you have not taken the survey... OR don't know if you have, then click this link here and you can knock it out right now!
DC20 - Feb 25 Update: Subclasses COMPLETE
about 2 months ago
– Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 08:53:17 AM
HUGE update for y’all! All 52 subclass options for 0.9 have been completed! This is a huge accomplishment and we are so excited to show you how awesome every single one of these are, and can’t wait for you to play them! We’re in the final stages of layout and editing, and 0.9 will be released in just a matter of weeks now!
Below is the list of every subclass and the final picture of every single one of them being completed.
How to get the 0.9 Beta
I’ll be sending out updates on DriveThruRPG. This should happen automatically, as soon as I hit the send button. I’ll upload the new file onto dropbox and it will automatically send out an update to everyone who has already received the 0.9 Core Rules. So if you have already received the 0.8 rules through DriveThruRPG, you should be good to go and will receive an email that it has been sent to you! I’ll be making a post on Discord as well.
This is a video that I made for anyone who didn't know what Paragon Subclasses were. These were the new addition to 0.9 (and the reason why it took longer to finish) but this fully explains how they work!
Future of DC20 Beta 0.9.5
We have plans to release another update in the near future for some quality of life improvements that we wanted to lay the ground work for before we took on the BIG undertaking of SPELLS (which is the 0.10 update). We did not want to delay 0.9 any further, so I will keep you posted in the next March Update on what will be IN this 0.9.5 update!!
Missing Survey Count: 1303
If you have not taken the survey... OR don't know if you have, then click this link here and you can knock it out right now!
DC20 - Jan 25 Update: Happy Holidays + Subclass Update + DC20 Gift
3 months ago
– Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 10:41:41 PM
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and spending time with loved ones! I will be doing the same but will still be working on finishing off the last parts of 0.9! HUGE progress this month again and we are in the home stretch now for sure (check out the images below!).
Free Mini Gift
Hey there DC20 community and Kickstarter backers! I wanted to update you guys early, so this is the January 1st update for 2025 that I wanted to give to you guys early, because I wanted to give you a holiday gift! This is a FREE mini from Beast Miniatures, and I’m going to be partnering with them to make even more high quality DC20 minis off into the future. They literally made this for free and wanna give it to you guys, so big shoutout to them and I’m excited to work with them in the future.
All you need to do is enter the password and you can download the file for the Penguinborn miniature for free. I’ll be working with Beast Miniatures in the future for them to help bring DC20 and all of its awesome monsters and heroes to life!
This started off as a joke during the Kickstarter, but this community has now fully brought the joke to LIFE! There will be more "serious" minis in the future, but this was a fun one to kick things off... and the penguin goes with the winter holiday too!
Subclass Update
Things are moving along AMAZINGLY! Like I said in the last update, adding the Paragon Subclasses based on community feedback was a great decision, and we thank you for the warm reception of this decision. I’m always listening to you guys and love hearing the feedback you provide! The addition of these has pushed back the release of 0.9 by about a month or two. We’ve made huge progress since last week, and here’s the exact progress report of where everything is at
We now have 20/26 of the Subclasses that will be released in 0.9 and the Paragon Subclasses are very close to being finished as well!
Release Date Estimate
Disclaimer: This is an estimate and please don't be upset if I am off on this, but I wanted to give you guys my best guess at a release date for DC20 0.9. I will of course keep you posted and stay tuned to the NEXT update for Feb!
Estimated Release Date: By the end of the month of February 2025
Missing Survey Count: 1337
If you have not taken the survey... OR don't know if you have, then click this link here and you can knock it out right now!
DC20 - Dec 24 Update: Paragon Subclass Reveal + Progress
4 months ago
– Sun, Dec 01, 2024 at 01:36:19 PM
I’m excited to be able to share a HUGE announcement on every single Subclass that’s going into 0.9. If you guys remember last time, I told you that we were gonna go from 3 Subclasses down to 2 for 0.9… well, there’s good news in that we’re going BACK up to 3 Subclasses, but we’re going to be introducing Paragon Subclasses. We’re super excited to share this idea with you!
What is a Paragon Subclass?
DC20 will have 3 Subclasses for each Class as you’re used to seeing, each with an exciting take on the Class taking it in a unique and different direction. BUT these NEW “Paragon Subclasses” are meant for the people who want to stay true to the core Class fantasy, without adding anything wild (like adding extra arcane, divine or primal curve balls). If you want to be a true Barbarian’s Barbarian or a Wizard’s Wizard, and you already like what the Class fantasy is and want to dive into that more, then the Paragon Subclass is for you.
How the Paragon Subclass works is that you’re going to be given a Class Talent to be able to spend within your Class. There’s going to be at least 2 options within the Paragon Subclass, and you’ll be able to become even more immersed within your own Class. For example, the Subclasses released in 0.9 for the Barbarian will be an Elemental Barbarian and a Spirit Guardian Barbarian… so, if you make a Barbarian, and you don’t want to take on any elemental or spiritual properties, then the Paragon Subclass will let you do that.
There will be a Paragon Subclass for every single Class, which is what’s adding the 13 new Subclass options and bringing total number of Subclass options in 0.9 back up to 39.
Where are we at right now?
I’m so excited to show you this image below. This image shows EXACTLY where we’re at in the design process for every single Subclass possible. I’ll explain what each color means, and there will also be a list below on what each Subclass is.
Disclaimer: the Bard and Warlock have more listed than will be released in 0.9, because we’re still whittling down those two.
List of 0.9 Subclasses
Remember that each is getting a Paragon Subclass. For the most part, these are just 2 of the 3 Subclasses that will be released for the Core Rules for DC20 (some of these include 3 or more that will be narrowed down), and each Class will have a 4th option of the Paragon Subclass.
Elemental Rage: Your raw connection to the elements ignites during your Rage. You can surround yourself with the elements (such as fire, lightning, water, earth) or violent weather (such as blizzards, storms, volcanoes, or earthquakes). Spirit Guardian: You call on spirits that protect your allies and stop your enemies.
Jester/Comedy: You make a fool of enemies and yourself to buff allies and debuff/control enemies. Empath: You can protect the emotions of your allies (Fears, Charms etc) and control the emotions of enemies. Eloquence/Glamour: Your presence, appearance, or way you speak is awe inspiring to allies and charming / persuasive to others. Whispers: You use darker magics of the mind to trick your enemies.
Sentinel: You stand as a bulwark, shielding your companions with unwavering resolve, while drawing the ire of your foes like a beacon of defiance. Hero/Warrior: You have an unmatched fighting spirit that empowering you to strike with greater ferocity.
Priest: You use enhanced healing magic and can protect your allies from harm. Inquisitor: You use your divine magic to punish and interrogate your foes.
Warlord: You’re a master tactician for your allies and use your commanding presence to break the morale of your enemies. Crusader: You’re a gallant hero who instills bravery in your allies and protects them from harm.
Phoenix: You can use the powers of flames to burn your enemies and restore your allies. Weaponized Plant: You can shapeshift into plants and control them as weapons.
Trapper: You’re an expert with traps. You set traps for your enemies and can recognize and disarm traps you come across. Monster Slayer: You use concoctions that boost your capabilities in combat in unique ways, letting you adapt to fighting a variety of enemies.
Shifting Tide: You glide through your enemies, with increased mobility and the ability to redirect Attacks made against you. Astral Self: You can project your spirit outside of your body, letting you target your enemies’ minds and deflect magic.
Swashbuckler: You’re a flashy duelist that taunts your enemies and fights them head-on to get the upper hand. Long Death: You’re a master at bleeding your enemies dry, focusing on dealing damage over time effects.
Angelic: You have angelic power that lets you sear your enemies while healing and protecting your allies. Draconic: You become more draconic, giving you extra hardiness and the ability to freely make your spells deal the damage of your Draconic Origin.
Rune Knight: You can imbue your equipment with runes that grant additional power. Arcane Archer: Your ranged attacks can be enhanced with magic in unique ways.
Great Old One/Aberration/Eldritch: You can harness the maddening power of eldritch forces to broaden your mind and break the minds of others. Fey: You become more like a Fey, beguiling your foes and making them subject to your whims. Devil’s Bargain/True Fiend: You can use the power of fiends to protect yourself from harm or sacrifice your health to harm others.
Witch: You gain knowledge of curses and hexes you can place upon your enemies. Portal Mage: You can teleport yourself and allies, and you create portals that you can cast your spells through.
Update Video
If you want to see a video of the Champion Subclasses reveal, the Monk Subclasses Reveal, and the Paragon Subclass Reveal, check out this livestream:
Missing Survey Count: 1533
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